Patient Participation Group

Quote / Testimonial:
Did you know the Pickering Medical Practice has one?

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is made up of patient representatives who meet regularly with the Practice Manager. We discuss issues that are affecting patient care, and ways we can improve the patient experience.

We are representing YOU, the patient, and we are keen to get YOUR  input.

If you want to raise an issue, or make suggestions about improving services, there are several ways you can do it:

  • ask Reception for a form to complete, which you can leave with them
  • or contact the PPG direct by email

Please remember that the PPG cannot discuss your personal medical issues.

Latest PPG Meeting 18th July 2024


N.P. Chair, H.S. Minutes, S.G. Practice Manager H.S. A.B. D.B. D.P.


S.D. J.F. P.C. J.G. D.P.

1. Minutes of 16 May 2024 

Matters arising.

Urgent Care Unit (UCU) Malton

The unit is nurse lead run by the trust. There is a limited X-ray service weekdays it is advisable to call before attending. If is a serious issue time would be saved if patient goes directly to Scarborough or York hospital.

Car Parking.

To free up more space for disabled parking in the surgery, passes for staff has been further explored with the council and local businesses, so far without success. Other options will be looked at. 

P.P.G. Involvement 8 July 2024

£40 raised. For future events Pickering Bramble Berry market could be contacted regarding a stall in the future. Fund raising is to provide the surgery with money to purchase equipment that can offer services for patients.

For example, currently there is still a facility for ear syringing, the extra funds could help purchase the necessary equipment to enable this service to continue. 

1st Aid Course.

This was provided by the Ambulance Service, the sessions where successful and well attended by all ages. The training covered training for CPR, use of De-Fib equipment, choking to mention a few. 

Local startup of St. John’s Ambulance Service in the future may be able to provide much more training for local people.

2. Maps of De-Fib locations

N.P. Has added that De-fib machines are in schools and Health Centre. 

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) have a training app accessible through their website. The course is approximately 10 minutes and covers use of Deb-fib machines. 

3. Practice Updates


New posts 

There is a new permanent G.P. starting in August.

Vacancies available for an assistant dispensary manager, relief medical delivery driver and an apprentice prescription assistant.

Paramedic to increase to 4 days a week.

Reception is fully staffed.  

Urgent Care Service in now staffed by G.P’s daily. 

Flu vaccinations will commence in October, appointments will be bookable in August. The surgery is in discussion with the PCN regarding the Covid vaccinations for autumn.

4. Patient Concerns 

Information regarding type of blood tests required is not always available when appointment is booked, this can result in a wasted trip for the patient who may need to re book their appointment. This also wastes the surgery’s time.

A patient noted that the services are not always joined up. Issues can arise booking appointments in hospitals. The reason being patients can now choose where they have treatment. This involves a referral to a waiting list co-ordinator they can provide waiting times of hospitals providing the relevant treatment. (It this to be left in?)

A comment has been made the surgery nurses provide a “superb” service.

Any Other Business

R.Y. Is to leave the P.P.G.

St. Johns Ambulance service to be based in Pickering to provide local free training for the community and aim to involve local teenagers. It is hoped it will provide a gate way to careers in health care. The set-up time is between 6 and 12 months. 

Local P.C.N.s 7 GP Practices to be involved. All have P.P.G.’s N.P. Intends to visit them and to set up joint meetings. This will enable sharing of ideas and opportunities to discuss government initiatives.

The surgery is to create a new website, N.P. to meet with S.G. to discuss the P.P.G. section. 

There is information on the internet regarding smear tests which can be carried out at home if required, saving a trip to the surgeries. The hope is that the take up of this important test will improve to enable early treatment when necessary.

NP has visited Scarborough Hospital Urgent and Emergency Care Centre.

The centre is due to open in Autumn.

It has many facilities including A&E, coronary care, a radiology department, and medical wards, all under one roof.

The unit is split into specialist areas this will reduce the pressure on the main waiting area.

The unit new area is decorated with colour and artwork rather than the clinical setting.

Patients will be behind glass doors rather curtains. The new unit will have a backup generator as well as other features.

The facility will be an asset to North Yorkshire. 

Next meeting 19 September 2024