Patient Participation Group

Did you know the Pickering Medical Practice has one?

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is made up of patient representatives who meet regularly with the Practice Manager. We discuss issues that are affecting patient care, and ways we can improve the patient experience.

We are representing YOU, the patient, and we are keen to get YOUR  input.

If you want to raise an issue, or make suggestions about improving services, there are several ways you can do it:

Ask Reception for a form to complete, which you can leave with them

or contact the PPG direct by email  [email protected]

Please remember that the PPG cannot discuss your personal medical issues.


PPG Meeting Thursday 16th May 2024

Present N.P., Chair) H.S. (Minutes) A.B. S.D. J.F. D.B. D.P,

J.G. Online. 

Apologies H.S., L.T., P.C. R.Y.


  1. Welcome new member.

     N.P. Welcomed D.B. As a new member joining the PPG.

  1. Minutes from 14THMarch. 

     Can be viewed online.

  1. Matters arising.

     None raised.

  1. 1stAid course – Sat 15th June 10am-12:30.

     20 applicants have signed up for the training. Walk ins will not be turned away.

  1. Map of de-fibs.

Yorkshire Ambulance’s website show the location of the de-fib units. When the ambulance service is connected the location of the de-fibs can be provided as well as the code for use.

  1. Practice updates.


A new Nurse Practitioner A.H.B. has joined the team. Receptionist positions have been advertised due to staff moving on. There has been a good response to the advert. 

One of the HCA’s is leaving in June.

A new GP is due to commence employment in August.  Further information regarding this in due course.

The UCS is now a GP lead service is creating more appointments approx. 40/50 a day across the 3 northern PCN practices. The success of this service will hopefully create more routine appointments however it has met a previously unmet need therefore working well. 

Malton Urgent Care is now managed by Nimbus, the service is effectively, however they will no longer accept walk ins. Appointments to be arranged by contacting 111.

    Patient concerns

  1. a) Parking 

J.R. Highlighted issues with disabled parking spaces in the surgery car park. People with limited mobility or wheelchairs users often have too far to go to the surgery entrance. This could also be a problem with adults bringing in sick children.

Options discussed included creating more disabled spaces nearer to surgery door, allocating parent child spaces and alternative parking for staff. 

The options were discussed and the logistics of the suggestions were explored. Now the the issues have been raised, further consideration can be given to provide workable solutions. The surgery door to be made disabled friendly in the near future.

  1. P.P.G. Week –Saturday June 3 to 8. 

Discussed options to raise money for patients equipment and the charity account. Locations discussed including a small table in the in the surgery for the week to raise money and a stall in Pickering on Saturday 8 June could be an ideal location and date for selling cakes and plants. The public liability insurance could be an issue, J.F. will look into possible solutions.

  1. A.O.B.

The surgery are now using the local recycling centre for appropriate waste. 

  1. Thursday 18thJuly 2024


PPG Minutes 14th March 2024

PPG Minutes 11th January 2024

PPG Minutes 16th Nov 2023

PPG Minutes 29th Sept 2023

PPG Minutes 1st Jun 2023

PPG Minutes 6th Apr 2023

PPG Minutes 9th Feb 2023